To bridge the gap between military skills and business acumen through an education program that leverages existing providers and internal expertise. Delivered through digital and physical workshops and through the development of an online library.
MissionTo provide veteran-specific business education in order to develop their business acumen to run a profitable and successful business.
DeliveryThe military community has an abundance of skills and training that directly translate to small business. These include planning, management, leadership to name a few. When it comes to business, there are a couple of areas we look to focus on. Marketing, Sales, Accounting and cash flow along with the digital footprint are essential elements VCBC will focus on. Education will be delivered via access to our on-line library, digital webinars and presentations along with exclusive access to industry leaders across a variety of channels.
Business coaching, training & community for business owners everywhere.
MissionTo help you overcome these challenges by providing you with the coaching & training required at your current stage of business so that you can build and scale the business of your dreams. We know that building a business is a skill. Let us show you.

Provide a framework so every member of the community can share their experiences, learn and support each other. We are a billion dollar industry already, let’s start looking within our community to see how we can support each other.
MissionTo develop and grow a community which is positive, encouraging and supportive of veteran community business owners within the same spirit of shared military service
DeliveryThe loss of community when separating from Defence is one of the most life changing events for veterans and their families. Self-employment can also compound this situation by not having the ability to meet and socialise with new workmates. The VCBC will offer a new community to veteran business owners to share their successes and failures, seek help for their challenges and develop their own business acumen. Networking events and workshops will encourage veteran business owners to share their common history of both military service and business development.
A formal process of branding as a veteran community-owned business and supporters so a conscious choice can be made to ‘shop veteran’.
MissionTo raise the consciousness of the Australian Community to ‘Buy Veteran’.
DeliveryThere is very little data out there relating to the number of veteran owned businesses. We’re here to find that out. We estimate there could be up to 40,000 Veteran Community Businesses out there contributing over $5 Billion to the Australian economy. Our registry is designed to promote the #buyveteran movement and create a simple portal to promote and support our community.

Ensuring every business within the community has a digital footprint which enhances the brand, lead generation, and sales process. We are developing partnerships with key software platform providers to provide you with discounted subscriptions for your day to day needs.
MissionEvery veteran community owned business has an effective digital footprint which enhances their brand and engages their audience.
DeliveryVCBC will support our businesses by providing support, education and training in the digital environment. Developing digital marketing and sales funnels, engaging with audiences on social media as well as connecting with their community to share their story. Using technology to drive productivity including systemisation and automation. Understanding the digital space is a key ingredient in any business looking to operate well into the future.