Our Community
Our goals is to provide a framework so every member of the community can share their experiences, learn and support each other. We have a unique connection and understand each others language and stories
As VCBC members, we are part of the solution - not the problem. We are not defined by our narrative, our experiences or our injuries caused by military service. The experiences shape us and we use them as part of our story in our business lives.
Our military experiences taught us about service, sacrifice, teams and achievement. We running our businesses the same way. within the same spirit of shared military service
The loss of community when separating from Defence is a critical events for veterans and their families. Self-employment can also be a lonely journey as businesses start up. VCBC will offer a new community to veteran business owners to share their successes and failures, seek help for their challenges and develop their own business acumen. Networking events and workshops will encourage veteran business owners to share their common history of both military service and business development.

Provide a framework so every member of the community can share their experiences, learn and support each other. We are a billion dollar industry already, let’s start looking within our community to see how we can support each other.
MissionTo develop and grow a community which is positive, encouraging and supportive of veteran community business owners within the same spirit of shared military service
DeliveryThe loss of community when separating from Defence is one of the most life changing events for veterans and their families. Self-employment can also compound this situation by not having the ability to meet and socialise with new workmates. The VCBC will offer a new community to veteran business owners to share their successes and failures, seek help for their challenges and develop their own business acumen. Networking events and workshops will encourage veteran business owners to share their common history of both military service and business development.

Provide a framework so every member of the community can share their experiences, learn and support each other. We are a billion dollar industry already, let’s start looking within our community to see how we can support each other.
MissionTo develop and grow a community which is positive, encouraging and supportive of veteran community business owners within the same spirit of shared military service
DeliveryThe loss of community when separating from Defence is one of the most life changing events for veterans and their families. Self-employment can also compound this situation by not having the ability to meet and socialise with new workmates. The VCBC will offer a new community to veteran business owners to share their successes and failures, seek help for their challenges and develop their own business acumen. Networking events and workshops will encourage veteran business owners to share their common history of both military service and business development.